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Resource: book (PR17424) Coming Full Circle: Constructing Native Christian Theology     
Author: Steven Charleston
Publisher: Fortress Press, 2015
Length: 236 Pages
Subjects: Faith; Racism; Social Justice; Theology
Location: Theology shelves
# Copies: 1
ISBN/ISSN: 9781451487985
Description: Coming Full Circle, a unique, multicollaborative project, provides a working constructive Native Christian theology. Drawing together leading scholars in the field, along with elders and practitioners, this volume seeks to fill a significant lacuna in the area and to encourage young Native American scholars and non-Native theologians to reconsider the rich possibilities present in the intersection between Native theory and practice and Christian theology and practice. This innovative work begins with a Native American theory for doing constructive Christian theology and then illustrates the possibilities with chapters on specific Christian doctrines. With significant essays on key doctrinal loci such as sin, revelation and epistemology, prayer and worship, mission and ministry, reconciliation and restoration, and the new creation, this volume will make an important contribution representing the Native American voice in a constructive and contemporary vein. Although not a full-scale systematic dogmatics, this
theology in outline offers the theory and constructive initiative to encourage further explorations in Native American Christian theologies.

Age Groups: Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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