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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: book (PR17742) Spirit Wheel: Meditations from an Indigenous Elder     
Author: Charleston, Steven
Publisher: Broadleaf Books, 2023
Length: 264 Pages
Subjects: Social Justice; Spirituality
Location: Race & Justice
# Copies: 1
Description: This stunning collection of more than two hundred meditations introduces us to the Spirit Wheel and the four directions that ground Native spirituality: tradition, kinship, vision, and balance. The life we inhabit together has been called many things by Indigenous people: the Spirit Wheel, the hoop of the nations, the great circle of existence, the medicine wheel. We are all on that ever-turning wheel, Charleston says--all of creation, people and animals, rocks and trees, the whole universe. Together we can turn toward the wisdom of our ancestors, kinship with all of Mother Earth's creatures, the vision of the Spirit, and mindful balance of life. We are all searching for belonging and a vision of the world that makes sense. We can meet those longings as we ponder the blessings of Spirit Wheel, in the breathtaking moments when insight becomes an invitation to wonder.
Age Groups: None specified.

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