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Resource: Book (B2159) The Lutheran Handbook     
Publisher: Augsburg Fortress, 2005
Length: 240 pages
Subjects: Education
# Copies: 3
ISBN/ISSN: 9780806651798
Description: Following Jesus is hard enough without having to navigate the rocky terrain of church culture all by yourself. The Lutheran Handbook is the indispensable companion for anyone trying to become a well-informed church-goer and have a good chuckle getting there. Timeless theological truths stand alongside everyday faith situations that everyone meets, sooner or later, with step-by-step instructions that make the going easy: How to Stay Alert in Church; How to Sing a Hymn; How to Become a Theologian of the Cross (and Avoid Being a Theologian of Glory); What to Bring to a Church Potluck (by Region); How to Survive for One Hour in an Un-Air-Conditioned Church; How to Share Your Faith with Someone; How to Identify and Avoid Evil; How to Be Saved (by Grace through Faith and Not by Your Good Works) ... plus dozens of other illustrations, maps, diagrams, and essential tips!
Age Groups: Middle School; High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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