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Resource: Book (B5079) Ojibwe Treaty Rights     
Author: Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission
Publisher: Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission, 2016
Length: 57 pages
Subjects: Social Concerns
Location: Racial Justice shelves
# Copies: 1
Description: "The Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission (GLIFWC) was formed in 1984 to assist its eleven member bands in the implementation and protection of their off-reservation treaty rights. One of the most formidable obstacles to achieving these goals has been public misunderstanding and ignorance of treaties, treaty rights and tribal sovereignty. Ignorance opened the doors to unfounded fears and rumors which fostered social and political pressure to abrogate the rights held by Ojibwe bands.
GLIFWC provides a counterpoint to rumors and accusations through accurate educational materials on treaties, tribal government and the regulation of treaty rights. This booklet is a cornerstone of GLIFWC's public education efforts, and previous editions have been widely used and disturbuted to member bands, schools, universities, and public libraries throughout the Great Lakes region." -Introduction
Age Groups: Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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