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Resource: Book (B5091) Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places: A Conversation in Spiritual Theology     
Author: Peterson, Eugene H.
Publisher: William B Eerdmans Publishing, 2005
Length: 368 pages
Subjects: Theology
Location: Theology
# Copies: 1
ISBN/ISSN: 9780802828750
Description: "Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places" is a book of spiritual theology, a book about living out, playing out, the Christian life. Peterson sees importance in the use of the term "spiritual theology," as it holds together what is too often split in the church. Peterson begins his work by "clearing the playing field." Because we live in a time in which there is a great interest -- among Christians and non-Christians alike -- in what is popularly called spirituality, Peterson begins with a lengthy discussion intended to eliminate much of the clutter that goes by the label "spirituality" in this world. He uses this section to establish a common ground for conversation by putting in place some basic stories, metaphors, and terms.

In the three sections of the book which follow, Peterson examines the way Christ bplaysb in creation, in history, and finally in community. In so doing he discusses Jesusb birth (which launches us into creation), Jesusb death (which launches us into history), and Jesusb resurrection (which launches us into community).
Age Groups: Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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