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Resource: Video (V3047) Jesus I Never Knew     
Author: Philip Yancey
Publisher: 1998
Vendor: EcuFilm
Length: 15 Mins
Subjects: Christ: Life and Ministry
# Copies: 1
Description: Philip Yancey takes viewers through the Gospels using video clips from well-known movies portraying various views of Jesus. Yancey peels back stereotypes to expose an honest look at the teachings, person, and life of Christ. This video is formatted to fit the 14-session curriculum guide:
1. The Jesus I Thought I Knew
2. Birth: The Visited Planet
3. Background: Jewish Roots and Soil
4. Temptation: Showdown in the Desert
5. Profile" What Would I Have Noticed?
6. Beatitudes: Lucky Are the Unlucky
7. Message: A Sermon of Offense
8. Mission: A Revolution of Grace
9. Miracles: Snapshots of the Supernatural
10. Death: The Final Week
11. Resurrection: A Morning Beyond Belief
12. Ascension: A Blank Blue Sky
13. Kingdom: Wheat Among the Weeds
14. The Difference He Makes
Age Groups: Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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