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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: DVD (D4439) Creating Caring Congregations     
Publisher: Mental Health Ministries, 2005
Vendor: EcuFilm
Length: 7 mins
Subjects: Leadership Development; Pastoral Care/Stephen Ministry/Counsel
# Copies: 1
Description: This program is designed to educate clergy and lay persons for the purpose of decreasing the stigma associated with mental illnesses in our faith communities. Individuals share their personal experiences with various mental illnesses.
1. Introduction (2:36)
2. Mental Illness in Adolescents and Young Adults: Shawn's Story (5:16)
3. Depression and Anxiety Disorders: Carol's Story (6:27)
4. Mental Illness and Older Adults: Jan's Story (4:18)
5. How Congregations Can Respond (12:03)

Carol Usher of Klamath Falls UMC said this is an extremely useful resource that stimulated conversation. It was used with adults…"a very good resource".
Age Groups: None specified.

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