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Resource: DVD (D4828=) Seeing Gray in a Black and White World     
Author: Adam Hamilton
Publisher: Saving Grace Productions, 2008
Vendor: The Well
Length: 20 mins
Subjects: Hot topics; Issues
Description: Politicians, pundits and even preachers paint the world in black and white. Every one and every thing is forced into tidy boxes. You are labeled a conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat, for or against the war, pro-this or pro-that. Entire states are painted as red or blue. The election cycle seems perfectly designed to polarize our country.

Do you ever wonder if life was meant to be more than just black and white?

Are you hungry for solutions that don't fit into a sixty-second sound bite?

Do you miss civility and thoughtfulness in politics?

And what message would Jesus have for a black and white world?

In this series of sermons, Reverend Adam Hamilton looks to the scriptures and the teachings and example of Jesus as a model for how we live, love and make important decisions in a complex world. If you want simplistic answers to complex issues you may be disappointed. But if you are looking for a thoughtful place to begin this election year, one where you will be challenged to think for yourself, to seriously consider both sides of an issue and then to live courageously and lovingly as you face complex decisions, you will not want to miss a single message of this series.
Age Groups: None specified.

Resources in this series:

  • (D4828) Seeing Gray in a Black and White World, Disc 1
  • (D4866) Seeing Gray in a Black and White World, Disk 1
  • (d4890) Seeing Gray in a World of Black and White (All Lessons in One Disk)
  • (D4829) Seeing Gray in a Black and White World, Disc 2
  • (D4867) Seeing Gray in a Black and White World, Disk 2
  • (D4830) Seeing Gray in a Black and White World, Disc 3
  • (D4868) Seeing Gray in a Black and White World, Disk 3
  • (D4831) Seeing Gray in a Black and White World, Disc 4
  • (D4869) Seeing Gray in a Black and White World, Disk 4
  • (D4832) Seeing Gray in a Black and White World, Disc 5
  • (D4870) Seeing Gray in a Black and White World, Disk 5

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