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Resource: DVD (D2021) Renewal     
Author: Marty Ostrow & Terry Kay Rockefeller
Publisher: Fine Cut Productions, 2007
Vendor: Neoflix
Length: 90 mins
Subjects: Camping; choices; Community; Creation Care; Discussion Starter; environment; Faith; Issues; Spirituality; Stewardship/Earth
# Copies: 1
Description: There is a growing religious environmental movement in our world today that is moving beyond specific issues such as pollution, recycling, or environmental awareness to advocate and practice instead a holistic care for creation as a basic aspect of faith. This movement is diverse in faith beliefs but united in action. We need to change our fundamental views of how we as humans relate to the earth and eachother if we hope to survive and lead sustainable lives. Our impact on earth has the potential to be destructive or constructive depending on how we choose to live. This documentary comprised of many stories is engaging, powerful, inspirational, and instructive. It can be used by anyone concerned about a sustainable future.

Nine segments present diverse stories including:
a crime against creation, going green, food for faith, ancient roots,
compassion in action, eco-justice, sacred celebration, interfaith power and light and nature meditations.

To learn more visit:

Per Molly Shaw of University Temple in Seattle: "I would highly recommend this DVD to congregations who are working with Earth Ministry to understand and apply "greening" practices in their churches and personal lives."
Age Groups: Middle School; High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55); Adult (55+)

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