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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: CD-Rom (C2012) Matt & Lucy's Version Births: A Christmas Pageant     
Author: D. Saunders-Perez & J. Allen
Publisher: Living the Questions, 2009
Vendor: Living the Questions
Subjects: Advent/Adults; Advent/Children; Bible Stories; Children: Ages 3-6; Children: ages 7-11; Choir: Vocal/ Handbell; Sunday School; Worship
# Copies: 2
Description: This two-disk CD ROM contains everything you need for a simple and entertaining children's Christmas program. The story introduces kids and parents to two stories of Jesus' birth and shows that these stories are not historical narratives, but instead are the creative work of two evangelists (Matthew and Luke) who are intent on showing the world why Jesus was such a special person. The two CDs together include a music disk with vocal and instrumental music of all the songs in the pageant and a CD-ROM with PDF files of scripts, production notes and sheet music. Printed copies of the music, script, and production notes are included with the disks and you can also print additional copies of this material from the CD-ROM. Additional copies of the music CD can be purchased from Living the Questions in case participants want or need their own disk for learning the music.
Age Groups: Lower elementary; Upper Elementary; Middle School; High School; Young Adult; Adult (30-55)

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