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Resource: DVD (D2013=) re:form     
Author: Sparkhouse
Publisher: Augsburg, 2010
Vendor: Augsburg
Length: 5 mins
Subjects: Bible Stories; Bible Study; Bible Study: NT; Bible Study: OT; Bible/History, Archaeology; Children: ages 7-11; Confirmation; Faith; Parables; Sermon Illustrations; Sunday School; teens; United Methodism/History, Membership; Wesley, Charles; Wesley, John; Young Adult; Youth Group; Youth--Sunday Class
ISBN/ISSN: 9781451400830
Description: Designed for middle-school youth, this curricula provides appropriate activities and DVDs for study of the Bible. There is a Traditions version that covers Methodist theology and history which is useful for Confirmation. DVD lessons are short, amusing and thought-provoking with content that is sure to grasp and hold the attention of youth. Activities in the student workbook, called the "anti-workbook", are fun and reinforce the lesson content. Topics covered on the two disks are divided into the following units and include 40 lessons in total:
Bible Unit
Creed Unit
Discipleship Unit
Jesus Unit
Other Beliefs Unit
Tough Questions Unit
It is recommended that each student have an anti-workbook. There is a Leader Guide, Anti-Workbook, and the DVDs in the kit. Lessons provide the opportunity to encounter, engage and respond to The Bible. There is a wealth of helpful tips for teachers, leaders, facilitators.

Re:form has been used successfully at Redmond UMC. Both Patrick Scriven and Irene Demaris have commented favorably on this curricula.

"The kids asked to try this. We all liked it enough that I bought it for our church to use. Thank you!" Sandra Reynolds, Ronald UMC Feb. 2013
Age Groups: Middle School; High School

Resources in this series:

  • (D2013) re:form DVD 1
  • (D2014) re:form DVD 2
  • (D2016) re:form Traditions (Methodist)
  • (D2026) re:form Ancestors Old Testament
  • (D2027) re:form Ancestors New Testament

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