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Resource: DVD (D2026) re:form Ancestors Old Testament     
Series: (D2013=) re:form
Author: Sparkhouse
Publisher: Augsburg, 2011
Vendor: Augsburg
Length: 90 mins
Subjects: Bible Stories; Bible Study: OT; Bible/History, Archaeology; Children: ages 7-11; Confirmation; Faith; Sermon Illustrations; Sunday School; teens; Youth Group; Youth--Sunday Class
# Copies: 2
ISBN/ISSN: 9781451402667
Description: re:form Ancestors builds upon previous successful re:form curricula development by introducing biblical characters and stories in ways that tweens can relate to and understand. The series includes a Leader Guide, the student anti-workbook and the DVD. DVD lessons are short and attention-grabbing and there is a lot of helpful background information, activities, and discussion questions available in the Leader Guide and anti-workbook. Old Testament characters covered in this curricula are Adam & Eve, Noah, Abraham & Sarah, Jacob,Joseph, Moses, Rahab, Deborah,
Samson, Ruth, David, Solomon, Elijah, Daniel, and Jonah.

It is recommended that each student have an anti-workbook to personalize and use each week. This curricula would be excellent for Sunday School, youth group, confirmation or even a youth retreat. Extra anti-workbooks can be purchased at
Age Groups: Middle School; High School

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