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Resource: DVD (D3046) A Disciple's Path: Deepening Your Relationship with Christ & The Church     
Author: James A. Harnish
Publisher: Abingdon Press, 2012
Vendor: Cokesbury
Subjects: Christian Living; Evangelism; Faith; Stewardship/Money, Time, Talents; United Methodist Church
# Copies: 3
ISBN/ISSN: 9781426743481
Description: This kit contains resources that provide an engaging approach to discipleship from a distinctly Welseyan perspective. It can be used as a course for new members or a renewal course for existing members. The program guides individuals to take the next step in discipleship and become dynamic, engaged followers of Jesus Christ. The study combines a Wesleyan understanding of God's love and grace with time-tested practices of spiritual discipline and encourages members to uphold the church withtheir prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. Participants will develop spiritual practices, discover their unique gifts, and become engaged in transformative ministry.

Kit contains Leader Guide with CD-ROM (packed with print resources in digital format), a participant daily workbook, a companion reader and assorted things like keychains and rubber band bracelets. The CD-ROM also contains two Power Point Presentations.
Age Groups: Adult (30-55)

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