Presbytery of Arkansas

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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: Book (BK7563) Really Bad Girls of the Bible     
Series: (BK7563=) Bad Girls of the Bible
Author: Higgs, Liz Curtis
Publisher: WaterBrook Press/, 2000
Vendor: Cokesbury Books & Church Supplies
Subjects: Bible Study-New Testament; Bible Study-Old Testament; Women in the Bible
Location: 920 HIG
# Copies: 1
Description: Second installment of "more lessons from Less-Than-Perfect women," this book continues Higgs' exam of Biblical women include the Medium of En Dor, Jael, the adulteress, Athaliah, Bathsheba, Herodias, Tamar the widow, and the bleeding woman. 272 pages. Book, 272 pages
Age Groups: None specified.

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