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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: Curriculum (5.86-157) Whirl Lectionary Sunday School, Pre-K-2nd grade, Year C Winter     
Author: Spark House
Publisher: Sparkhosue, 2015
Vendor: Augsburg (Donation)
Length: 15 Sessions
# Copies: 1
ISBN/ISSN: 9781451498486
Description: Whirl Lectionary

The 15 topics include:
1. Advent 1-The Guild
2. Advent 2-A Loss on Prophets
3. Advent 3-Frown Rebound
4. Advent 4-Magnificat: The Musical!
5. Christmas Day-Nativity 2.0
6. Christmas 1-Active Acres
7. Christmas 2-Minivan Fever
8. Baptism of the Lord- Baptism Tactics
9. Epiphany 2-Sapped Juice
10. Epiphany 3-Victor Vision
11. Epiphany 4-Jeremiah Sunday
12. Epiphany 5-Candy Clouds
13. Epiphany 6-A Tree in Need
14 Epiphany 7-Clash of the Clergy
15. Tranfiguration-The Transfigurer
Age Groups: None specified.

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