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Resource: Curriculum (5.86-63) Holy Moly Unit 1: 12 Old Testament Stories     
Author: Augsburg
Publisher: Augsburg Fortress, 2012
Length: 12 Sessions
Subjects: childrens bible stories
# Copies: 1
ISBN/ISSN: 9781451425932
Description: Each lesson invites kids into the story with animated Bible story retellings, reinforces the lesson through the colorful pages of the Bible Storybook and Connect Bible, and encourages creativity and imagination with activities that bring the stories to life.

The rhyming Holy Moly Bible Storybooks, designed for Pre-Readers, reinforce the Bible through engaging language and colorful illustration.

The Holy Moly Unit 1 Bible Storybook includes 12 stories. Pre-Reader and Reader, and Leader Packs.
Age Groups: Preschool; Lower elementary; Upper Elementary

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