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1 resource found and displayed.             (Page link to these results)

Resource: Curriculum (5.86-164) WHIRL, Year C Spring, Grades 3-6, DVD     
Author: Sparkhouse
Publisher: Sparkhouse, 2015
Vendor: (Donation) Augsburg
Length: 14 Sessions
# Copies: 1
ISBN/ISSN: 9781451498615
Description: DVD for Whirl Curriculum, Year C, Spring
Sessions include:
1. Lent 1-Shirtless Jack Joelson
2. Lent 2-Swab Problems
3. Lent 3-Bell Tower Council
4. Lent 4-Unfair Fair
5. Lent 5-Disposal Proposal
6. Passion/Palm Sunday-Conspiracy and Biscuits
7. Easter Day-Ashen Easter
8. Easter 2-Big Question
9. Easter 3-Oblivious Encounters
10. Easter 4-Senator Grandma
11. Easter 5- Transformation Irritation
12. Easter 6-Cliché Train
13. Easter 7-Janitor Jerry
14. Day of Pentecost-Holy Android
Age Groups: None specified.

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